The Origins of Metis Security: A Tale of Passion, Expertise, and Personalised Cybersecurity


Welcome, my friends, to the story behind Metis Security. Pour yourself a cup of tea (or coffee, if you prefer), and let’s dive into why I decided to start this venture. At Metis Security, we’re not your run-of-the-mill cybersecurity consultancy. We’re here to make a real difference, and I’ll tell you exactly how we stand out from the crowd with our personalised approach.

Why I Started Metis Security

After spending a whopping 23 years in the cyber security consultancy world, I realised that something was missing. Many clients weren’t fully reaping the benefits of working with larger consultancies. That’s when it hit me—I wanted to create an organisation that genuinely cares about the security of our clients and goes the extra mile to make a difference. And thus, Metis Security was born.

Personalised Attention

Picture this: a small, agile team led by a seasoned pro (that’s me!) dedicated to serving your cybersecurity needs. Unlike those big consulting firms, we don’t send in a generic consultant who just graduated or has limited experience. When you work with us, you get a known quantity—the real deal. Experience, expertise, and a dash of charm, if I may say so myself.

No Lost in Translation

Ever had that frustrating experience where something gets lost in translation between different teams? With Metis Security, you won’t have to worry about that. From the initial introduction to scoping, sales, delivery, and post-engagement, it’s all handled by yours truly. That means nothing falls through the gaps, and no important details are lost along the way. It’s smooth sailing all the way through.

Focused Expertise

We believe in being the best at what we do. That’s why we’ve chosen to focus on a specific subset of cyber security consultancy offerings. We don’t want to spread ourselves thin by trying to do it all. Instead, we focus on the areas where we truly shine. So when you come to us, you’re getting specialised expertise, honed to perfection. That’s Microsoft Cloud technologies and agile working if you haven’t read the rest of the site – I enjoy it as much as you do!

The Metis Security Difference

What sets us apart, you ask? Well, besides our irresistible charm, we’re committed to your success. We take the time to understand your business objectives, assess your risk landscape, and craft customised solutions that align with your strategic goals. Whether it’s securing your Microsoft 365 environment, implementing robust controls, or ensuring compliance with industry regulations, we’ve got your back. Our offerings are just a “starter for 10”, to inspire you if you will, they are designed to be customised so they meet your specific requirements. And trust me, we’ve seen it all—from cyber villains to data breaches that could make your head spin.

Final Thoughts

>And there you have it—the story of how Metis Security came to be. We’re not your average cybersecurity consultancy. We’re a team driven by passion, expertise, and a genuine desire to make a difference in your security journey. When you choose us, you’re not just getting a service provider; you’re getting a partner who’s fully invested in your success. So, let’s join forces and tackle those cyber threats head-on. Welcome to Metis Security, where security is serious business, with just a pinch of humour to keep things interesting. Cheers!

David Morgan

Founder & Consultant

Trusted Microsoft Cloud Security Advisor with 27 years experience | Empowering Businesses to Embrace Cloud Innovation with Confidence

Skills chart of the author David Morgan, high level expertise in Cyber Security, Network Security, Azure, Microsoft 365, Penetration Testing & Breach Attack Simulation

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